Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) Animation
3) Core Class
4) Database
5) Date Type
6) Development
7) File
8) Game
9) Hardware
10) Media
11) Network
12) Security
13) UI
14) User Event
2D Graphics
1) A GLSurfaceView Renderer that uses the Android-specific android opengl GLESXXX static OpenGL ES APIs
2) Alpha Bitmap
3) An OpenGL ES renderer based on the GLSurfaceView rendering framework
4) Animate Drawables
5) Arcs
6) Basic GLSurface View Activity
7) Bezier interpolate
8) Bitmap and RenderScript
9) Bitmap cache by WeakHashMap
10) Bitmap Config ARGB_8888,Bitmap Config RGB_565, Bitmap Config ARGB_4444
11) Bitmap createBitmap
12) Bitmap Decode
13) Bitmap downloading, processing
14) Bitmap Mesh
15) Bitmap Pixels
16) Bitmap Refelection
17) Bitmap Resize
18) Bitmap size
19) Bitmap to Byte
20) Bouncing Ball
21) Brighter a color
22) Calculate optimal preview size from given parameters
23) Canvas Layers
24) Capture and save to Bitmap
25) Capture Image
26) Capture Image and display
27) Captures given view and converts it to a bitmap
28) Center a Drawable
29) Change check box color
30) Check for OpenGL ES 2 0 support at runtime, and then use either OpenGL ES 1 0 or OpenGL ES 2 0, as appropriate
31) Class for the scribblememo pad
32) Clipping Demo
33) Color Filters
34) Color Matrix Sample
35) Compress and save Bitmap image
36) Compress Bitmap
37) Create a Bitmap
38) Create a Bitmap for drawing
39) Create a bitmap with a circle
40) Create a Path
41) Create a transparent bitmap from an existing bitmap by replacing certain color with transparent
42) Create Color from RGB value
43) Create Icon Thumbnail
44) Create Icon Thumbnail, Scaled Image
45) Create Image
46) Create Image and resize Image
47) Create Scaled Bitmap
48) Crop Bitmap
49) Darker a color
50) Decrease Saturation
51) Demonstrate how to use ETC1 format compressed textures
52) Demonstrate how to use the OES_texture_cube_map extension, available on some high-end OpenGL ES 1 x GPUs
53) Downloading a bitmap image from http and setting it to given image view asynchronously
54) Draw a circle
55) Draw a line
56) Draw a point
57) Draw a rectangle
58) Draw a rectangle with float values
59) Draw animated gif
60) Draw Bitmap and Drawable
61) Draw Bitmap on Canvas
62) Draw Bitmap on Canvas with Matrix
63) Draw on Picture and save
64) Draw Oval
65) Draw path
66) Draw Picture
67) Draw Pint
68) Draw Points
69) Draw Polygon
70) Draw text
71) Draw text along with path
72) Draw text with custom font
73) Draw with Canvas
74) Drawable createFromStream
75) Drawable createFromStream and URL connection
76) Drawable Manager
77) Drawable Manager with Thread
78) Drawable to Bitmap
79) Extends ArrayAdapter to create Icon adapter
80) Extends BaseAdapter to create adapter for images
81) Extends BaseAdapter to create Image adapter
82) Extends View to create ColorCircle
83) Extract Thumbnail
84) Find components of color of the bitmap at x, y
85) Finger Paint
86) Finger Paint View
87) Fit Image No Margin
88) Flip Image
89) Font Sampler
90) Font Test Activity
91) Generate a blurred bitmap from given one
92) Generate Mipmaps For Bound Texture
93) Get Bitmap From Bytes
94) Get Bitmap From Local Path
95) Get Bitmap From Name
96) Get Bitmap From Url
97) Get Bitmap from Url with HttpURLConnection
98) Get default favicon
99) Get Drawable From Url
100) Get Drawable From Web Operation
101) Get Image Bitmap From Url
102) Get Random Location and Colors
103) Get Text Width
104) Get Texture From Bitmap Resource
105) Get Texture From Bitmap Resource and BitmapFactory decodeStream
106) Get the current system wallpaper, modifies it and sets the modified bitmap as system wallpaper
107) Gets the image drawable from the url
108) Graphics API supports both OpenGL and Android 2D rendering targets efficiently through the same interface
109) HSV To Color
110) Image Loader
111) Image Mirror
112) Image Resize
113) Image To Byte
114) Increase Contrast, Reduce Brightness
115) Increase Red
116) Lazy Loading Image
117) Lighten Color
118) Load Bitmap and Draw
119) Load Bitmap from InputStream
120) Load Bitmap from resource
121) Load Bitmap with Context
122) Load Color from resource xml file
123) Load png Icon file with xml layout
124) Load up the images dimensions
125) Loads a bitmap from the specified url
126) Measure Text
127) Memory Cache for Bitmap
128) Moving an Image with Motion
129) New PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff Mode SRC)
130) OpenGL ES version of a sprite
131) OpenGL objects
132) OpenGL Sprite Text Activity
133) OpenGL Utils
134) OpenGL Utils 2
136) Paint Style STROKE
137) Parse Jpeg Size
138) Path Effects
139) Path Fill Types
140) Patterns
141) Provides common tools for manipulating Bitmap objects
142) Purgeable Bitmap
143) Raster Line
144) Regions
145) Resize Bitmap
146) Resize Image
147) Resize Photo
148) Returns the complimentary (opposite) color
149) RGB To Color
150) Rotate a Bitmap
151) Rotate and transformation
152) Rotate around Center Point
153) Rotate Bitmap
154) Rotate specified Bitmap by a random angle Scales the specified Bitmap to fit within the specified dimensions
155) Rotate, transform Bitmap
156) Round Rectangles
157) Save Bitmap and BitmapFactory decodeFile
158) Save Bitmap to and load from External Storage
159) Save Bitmap to External Storage Directory
160) Save Image and Text to SD card
161) Saveload Bitmap
162) Scale an Image
163) Scale and rotate Image
164) Scale Bitmap
165) Scale To Fit
166) Set color for Paint
167) Set Paint Text size
168) Set stroke size
169) Set Stroke Width
170) Set text to use bold and italic font style
171) ShapeDrawable Demo
172) Shows a list that can be filtered in-place with a SearchView in non-iconified mode
173) Simply resizes a given drawable resource to the given width and height
174) Smooth Line
175) Sweep
176) Text Align
177) Text on a Path
178) This activity demonstrates various ways density can cause the scaling of bitmaps and drawables
179) To Rotate Texture Image
180) Translate Canvas
181) Translate Image
182) Typefaces Demo
183) Unscaled Bitmap Loader
184) Using BitmapFactory to decode Resource
185) Using FontMetrics
186) Using GradientDrawable
187) Using Image icon as the background resource
188) Using PathEffect
189) Using PorterDuffXfermode
190) Using solid color to paint
191) Using Spannable text and set style
192) Using Typeface to create ttf file
193) Using View to display color
194) Vertices
195) Wrapper activity demonstrating the use of {@link GLSurfaceView}, a view that uses OpenGL drawing into a dedicated surface
196) Wrapper activity demonstrating the use of GLSurfaceView, a view that uses OpenGL drawing into a dedicated surface